Thursday, February 9, 2017

Holidays and diabetes

One of the hardest things to deal with by having a diabetic, a young one at that, is the holiday school parties and goodies. With Valentine's day approaching I have to prepare myself for the craziness. Loads of candy and cookies, cupcakes and juice boxes. These are off limits, but I also don't deprive him of having a treat. I don't want him to feel excluded and out of place. I've learned to avoid sugar fee labels as well. Sugar free candy has a lactose effect. 
Don't let holidays scare you though. For real. I was terrified of them the first year of his diagnosis and I've learned to roll with the punch. 
Now, we prepare. He gets insulin up that wazoo, chooses 1 to 2 small treats and saves the rest for good blood sugar days and lows. But hide them!!! The diabetic nose for sugar is a strong one and they will find it .
Never single your diabetic child out though. Let them feel they are normal still, just with a twist. Participating with their class gives them normality. Let be sensible with there choosing and don't over do it. A moment of pleasure is worth an ounce of crazy highs. 

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