Monday, February 13, 2017

This is the rough part of insulin adjustment. He went from an extreme low to an extreme high. I over corrected with juice after the low. It read 102 after a 1/2 then before dinner he was over 600+.

Friday, February 10, 2017

I am pretty anxious with the new changes that were made today for chi. He's had a major insulin increse and the carb ratio has changed drastically. I'm nervous for lows now. We hope this gets his numbers controlled better without sending his body into insulin overboard. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Holidays and diabetes

One of the hardest things to deal with by having a diabetic, a young one at that, is the holiday school parties and goodies. With Valentine's day approaching I have to prepare myself for the craziness. Loads of candy and cookies, cupcakes and juice boxes. These are off limits, but I also don't deprive him of having a treat. I don't want him to feel excluded and out of place. I've learned to avoid sugar fee labels as well. Sugar free candy has a lactose effect. 
Don't let holidays scare you though. For real. I was terrified of them the first year of his diagnosis and I've learned to roll with the punch. 
Now, we prepare. He gets insulin up that wazoo, chooses 1 to 2 small treats and saves the rest for good blood sugar days and lows. But hide them!!! The diabetic nose for sugar is a strong one and they will find it .
Never single your diabetic child out though. Let them feel they are normal still, just with a twist. Participating with their class gives them normality. Let be sensible with there choosing and don't over do it. A moment of pleasure is worth an ounce of crazy highs.